Wednesday 24 November 2021

Effectively Addressing the Evil of Greed

When people want to make money in any way possible, regardless of the consequences for anyone else, and possibly everyone else, how do you respond?

How have you been assessing your ethics and the ways you have expressed them at various times of your life? 

What have you been learning this year about urgently addressing immorality?



What have you been learning about very necessary news and entirely unnecessary corporations?

What have you been learning about the enlightened being of political kindness and the extent of unenlightened trickery in the world?

What have you been learning about political philanthropy and political reality?

When an extremist prime minister is much more interested in encouraging prejudices than in addressing the decreasing viability of life on planet Earth, how do you respond?

Perhaps you do not view extremist points of view as extreme if they match your own prejudices.

Perhaps you are afraid of enlightened educational enhancements and the expression of civility.

Greed for power has much in common with greed for money.

Perhaps you mistake greed for the expression of obligations.

What have you discovered about finance in relation to greed?

What have you discovered about prejudice in relation to greed?

What do you know about economics in relation to greed?

What do you know about gambling in relation to greed for money and/or power?

What do you know about reporting in relation to greed and intrusions of privacy?

How do you assess royalty in relation to authenticity and ethics?

And how do you assess the media?

How do you assess climate matters in relation to sustainability and ethics?

How do you contribute to political pleasantness whilst effectively addressing the evil of greed?

And how have you attempted to overcome your prejudices during that process?

How have you attempted to enhance respect in the world, especially respect for nature, and the truth?

What is your current sentiment regarding the evil of greed, and why?

How have you attempted to inform your expressions of authentic living through necessary ethics over the past year?


How have you assessed travel in relation to the evil of greed?

How have you assessed policing?

How have you assessed, and addressed, evidence of corruption, especially political corruption?



How are you currently investing in urgent reforms?

Perhaps you are doing so through public interest journalism.

Perhaps you are doing so through enlightened patronage.

Perhaps you are doing so through political philanthropy.

Friday 5 November 2021


How sustainable is your household food supply? 

How have you been transforming lives?

How can you be sure you have been producing sustainable happiness by doing so?

What do you already know about enlightened economics, and how do you know it?

What do you already know about enlightened democracy, and how do you know it?

How do you usually think about the permanent and the temporary, the local and the non-local, and about a sense of belonging?

How do you usually think about the secular, the sacred and the sordid?

How do you attempt to ascertain other people's boundaries, expectations and needs in relation to your own?

How do you usually think about food in relation to authentic living?

Without a sustainable food garden and a suitably stocked kitchen, a sustainable way of living is impossible.

There is much vulnerability in the world at present.

Most forests have already disappeared and the remainder are dying, along with many other ecosystems.

Where, then, is sustainability and how is it related to morality?

To nurture a healthy society is not particularly difficult.

Sustainability is associated with continuity and civility.

How do you know you are investing in a sensible approach to sustainability?

What do you know about reality in relation to the necessary ethics of civility and sustainability?

If you have been urgently addressing immorality, what have been the positive and negative diversions from that pursuit?

Diversionary 'development' practices by the corrupt lead the gullible into establishing households in unsuitable and unsustainable ways.

Where, if anywhere, does the general will of the people reflect a sensible approach to sustainability and civility?

Wherever you happen to be at present, how do you usually think about social pressures in relation to conformity, autonomy, sustainability, necessity, creativity, integrity, civility, philanthropy and peace, and from whose point of view?

Sustainability requires many political and legislative improvements.

How, for example, are you investing in improved constitutions

What do you know about bureaucracy in relation to sustainability and its opposite?

It is impossible to experience intelligent frugality sustainably in areas susceptible to corrupt bureaucratic systems, destructive weather systems, and aggressive adolescent invasions of both the military and criminal varieties.
It is the same within areas subject to seismic devastation and cultural incompatibility.

Even though true friendships involves a considerable amount of care, attention and maintenance, whether within a marriage or in another type of ongoing relationship, there are often incidents, and people, undermining the quality and sustainability of the relationship.

How, if at all, can sustainable cultures emerge when huge human populations compete stupidly amongst themselves, and with other species, for land and water and homes and food supplies?

Perhaps you have never given much thought to such a question.

Perhaps you are not particularly competent in the identification and prevention of stupidity.

Sustainable communities are quaternary experiences. They require mutual respect, mutual understanding and the lifelong willingness of all members to support true peace, reasonable expressions of justice and a responsible approach to freedom. 

What have you been learning about the quaternary over the past few months?

What do you hope to learn about the quaternary over the weeks ahead? 

Reforms are necessary to ensure all necessary stability is sustainable.

But what, exactly, are aims, objectives and plans associated with those reforms?

What is necessary stability, in your view?

What are the various systems and structures associated with it?

What are the essential interpersonal practices associated with it?

How sustainably have you been investing in urgent reforms?

How sustainably, and urgently have you been addressing immorality?


Sustainability is much more than blending the economic, the social and the environmental through good intentions. It must essentially help to maintain the very best mental health.

Life is dying.

A sensible approach to sustainability prevents tragedies.

All well-informed conservation supports sustainable practices.

Do you associate fleeting experiences of pleasure with quality of life or do you associate sustainable peacefulness with quality of life? 

If you are investing in the very best mental health, how are you doing so?

Perhaps you regard sustainability as a meaningless term.

Perhaps you even regard evidence as meaningless, particular when the most significant evidence is ignored by policy makers, legislators and institutional investors.

How have you been attempting to conserve your mental health?

And how sustainable is that conservation process, and how do you know?



The very best mental health is obviously associated with sustainable peacefulness.

What do you know about that subject?  

Where have you been investing in a sensible approach to sustainability and how can you prove you intend to improve upon that approach over the months ahead? 

How sensibly have you been investing in conservation, and how do you know?  

How sustainable have you been investing in political kindness, and how do you know?

How thoughtfully have you been assessing your ethics over the past few weeks, and how do you know?



If you are sure you are investing in political kindness in a sustainable way, where is your proof?

How easily have you located very necessary news in relation to sustainability, and how do you know? 

You may mainly be seeking a well-designed, low-maintenance sustainable building in which to live and/or work, regardless of the quality of the surrounding social environment, political environment, economic environment, built environment and natural environment.

If you believe you are capable of investing in careful design, what have been your most relevant experiences in that regard?

When substandard and possibly dangerous methods and materials are used, there is nothing sustainable about a structure at all.  

Yet many people live in substandard housing, often without even knowing that to be the case until a disaster happens.

Some people, even if they live in relatively sustainable buildings, live in substandard and possibly dangerous societies.

The structures and systems of such societies cannot respond appropriately to emergencies, or even to everyday life.

What have you discovered about the enlightened being of political kindness, and how? 

Perhaps you associate quality living with luxurious living rather than sustainable living.

How sustainably are you investing in quality of life?

How is your political philanthropy informing that process?

How have you assessed your values in relation to sustainability?

Do you usually regard sustainability as a key, a door or a note?

Do you have a sustainable approach to experiencing intelligently frugal pleasures?

You may or may not have already experienced various enlightened educational enhancements.



Perhaps you believe you have been investing in interesting predictions.

What do you know about the garden of sustainability surrounding Frugality Cottage?

How competently do you compare enlightened economics with ethereal economics and unsustainable forms of economic activity?

Do you have (access to) a sustainable garden?

Do you live in a sustainable, suitably peaceful household?

Are you sure you are investing in reality adequately well?

How often do you assess and re-assess your obligations in terms of sustainability and independence?

When companies are more interested in market cannibalism than sustainable practices, and governments prefer to support unsustainable approaches to economic growth at the expense of future generations, at least future, hungry children will be unlikely to lose their way in forests.  But neither are they likely to have access to sustainable gardens and good food.

If you are currently feeling hungry, how do you intend to resolve that problem?


If you are yet to catch up with all the relevant information supporting the series of episodes on authentic living, there is much to whet your appetite. 

How sustainable is your authenticity, and how do you know? 

People with a genuine interest in sustainability are highly conservative savers and highly conservative spenders.  They take a cautious approach to their use of economic resources though they are not necessarily well informed or adequately compassionate.

The word 'conservative' is often misused by greedy bullies for their own purposes.

How do you conserve nature?

How do you conserve sustainable cultural practices?

Perhaps you regard corruption as sustainable.

There are many types of resilience to consider in relation to the sustainability of authentic living.

With sustainable good reasoning, psychological resilience is possible though not necessarily probable.

With a community of psychologically resilient people, community resilience is possible.

What do you know about social sustainability in relation to reality? 

Many political and economic systems are incompatible with pleasantly sustainable 21st century cottage life, in any society.

How do you distinguish between authenticity and sustainability?

What do you know about sustainable living, and how do you know it?

How, if at all, have you researched self-sustainability

How authentic is your approach to sustainability?