Wednesday 16 June 2021

The enlightened being of political kindness

If you are a real world leader in terms of displaying necessary ethics, where is your evidence?

How and where do you display your political philanthropy, and why?

How and where do you usually support the production and distribution of public interest journalism?

What do you know about political pleasantness, and how do you know it?

Monday 7 June 2021

Very necessary news

How have you been assessing your ethics in relation to news?

How have you defined your news values?

Where do you usually seek out very necessary news?

How do you usually think about news in relation to proper moderation?

Sunday 6 June 2021

Assessing your ethics

How do you prefer to address any conflicts of interest you may possess?

Perhaps you do not know how to answer that question.

If you have debts, and insufficient savings through which to meet those debts, you have a conflict of interest.

If you are greedily acquisitive, in any way whatsoever, you have a conflict of interest.

Whether you have conflicts of interest or not, how and where do you usually assess beliefs and values?

Necessary Ethics is brought to you from a small shed in the virtual garden of Frugality Cottage.  Your ethics will be further examined in the cottage itself.

Do you need a key?